Five ways your acupuncturist stays healthy

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Stay HealthyI try to practice what I preach, and while I can’t say that I never get sick, I seem to hold my own against the many sick people I see throughout the year without getting sick. So, what do I do to stay healthy? Here are the top five ways I’ve learned through my studies in Chinese Medicine that are simple, easy, and just make sense!

  • Wear a scarf: I’ve written about this before, but it can’t be stressed enough. Cover up your neck to stay warm and protect your Qi. If you want more info, read about it here.
  • Skip the ice: I rarely (if ever) have iced beverages and only in the full heat of the summer! As the seasons change into the colder weather of fall and winter, it’s even more important to skip that ice. Think of your digestive systems as a cooking pot with a fire. The sudden introduction of icy cold slows down that cooking process, impairing your digestion and your ability to get all the Qi out of your food.
  • Warm and cook your foods: Similar to ice, cold and raw foods slow down and impair your digestion. Stop the salads and cold foods and move to roasted veggies and soups. Take advantage of all the wonderful fall vegetables and make a big batch of roasted vegetables. These will be easier to digest, more warming for your body, and help you to prepare for winter, plus they taste good.
  • Sleep: A good night’s sleep is one of the best defenses for staying healthy. If you are having trouble achieving this, read my blog post on ways to help improve your sleep here.
  • Move: if your Qi is stuck or stagnated, your body’s defensive Qi can’t get to where it needs to go. Even a simple 30 minute walk a day is effective in getting your Qi moving and keeping you balanced and healthy.

So, try these simple ways to get healthy and stay healthy throughout the year, and let me know how you make out.