5 ways Chinese Medicine can help you achieve your healthy weight

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“In cases of disease and disorder, the physician should first address the diet and lifestyle.” – Sun Si-Miao (581-682 CE)

Over the years, I have had many inquiries wondering if acupuncture can help with weight loss. Since many are looking for a “magic needle” they are disappointed with my answer. Yes, acupuncture can help with weight loss if it’s used in addition to diet modification and an exercise regimen, there is no magic weight loss point or needle . But, the good news is that acupuncture can make it easier for you to stick to your eating and exercise regimen.

Acupuncture and Health in the FallEach individual is unique in how his/her body gets out of balance, but in Chinese medicine, excess weight is viewed as a pathological accumulation of phlegm, dampness, and turbidity. The two main Chinese medicine organs involved in this imbalance are the Spleen and the Liver. The Spleen transforms the ingested food and drink to extract Qi from it, which is the basis for the production of Qi and Blood in our body. The Spleen also controls the transformation and transportation of fluids, so if the Spleen is impaired, food and fluids are not processed properly leading to an excess of phlegm and dampness in the body. The Liver is also closely tied to the function of the Spleen since the Liver maintains the free flow of Qi throughout the body. If the Liver is impaired, this will lead to Spleen impairment. The Spleen and Liver can become impaired through many poor lifestyle choices, to include: poor diet (particularly sweets and fatty foods), chronic stress, insufficient exercise, over thinking, over or under eating, poor sleep habits, improper use of medications, and chronic disease. With acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and lifestyle changes, you can get your Spleen and Liver functioning properly and make progress to your healthy weight goals.

Here are the five main ways acupuncture can help with a personal weight management program:

  1. Decrease stress I can’t tell you how many times people comment on how relaxed they feel after their acupuncture treatment, and that effect can last beyond a one hour session. Hopefully most of you have heard of cortisol, the stress hormone released in response to stress. It’s powerful and it can affect weight in several ways. It disrupts digestion, contributes to depression, and escalates your “fight or flight” response. If you feel overwhelmed, you are more likely to binge for emotional reasons and to assume you have no time to prepare healthy meals.* So working to keep your stress response in check is a great first step to healthy weight management.
  2. Regulate digestion  as mentioned above, the Spleen is the main organ for digestion. Balancing the Spleen improves your digestion so you get vital nutrients and Qi from your food, which in turns fuels your body.
  3. Improve sleep  Review my other blog of the importance of sleep and how acupuncture can help.
  4. Increase energy  Less stress, better digestion, and better sleep, are going to give you more energy. With more energy you will feel more motivated to keep up your exercise and diet routine, a win-win situation!
  5. Appetite suppressant — I saved this one for last as I considered it the least important. Many clients have reported a mild to moderate reduction in their cravings for food after acupuncture. Again, there is not a magic needle to stop you from eating, but a mild reduction in food cravings as your body gets back into balance helps to make healthier eating choices easier.

In a recent study by Professor Sabina Lim, at the East-West Medical Research Institute at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea, researchers found that auricular acupuncture (acupuncture which uses ear points) resulted in roughly a 6% reduction in body mass index (BMI) over 8 weeks. While this is not a definitive study, researchers continue to study the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss, but the results look promising.†

Chinese medicine can make your new lifestyle goals easier to accomplish and to maintain. Come in and see how amazing you can feel.

* “Stress and Weight Gain Information by MedicineNet.com.” MedicineNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2014. (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=53304)
† HealthDay, WebMD News from. “Ear Acupuncture May Hold Promise for Weight Loss – WebMD.” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2014. (http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20131217/ear-acupuncture-may-hold-promise-for-weight-loss)